Website Design
Webpage Design
Your website is your store front. It represents your company. First impressions can last a mere few seconds. If your web site is shabby, then how would you expect a potential customer to have any faith in what is is you have to offer? Website design, whether a member site, an e-commerce site, a resource site or any kind of site, must look current, up-to-date and professional.
Your navigation must be user-friendly. They must be able to go where ever they want, without getting lost. How many times have you gotten stuck in a loop, unable to get back to the home page? We’ve all been there. And then, how quickly do you hit the back arrow to get out of Denver baby?
It’s a shame, and unnecessary, and unacceptable. The hard part was already done… they got you to the site. Their SEO – for whatever reason – was working. But since the site was so unmanageable, they couldn’t retain you.
Your website development doesn’t have to be flashy… but it can be. It just has to be efficient and easy to find an answer to their question; whether it’s "Do you have Nike Monarchs in size 9?", or "How do you make carrot cake?". The Internet is there – for those of us with a website – to provide answers to peoples questions as easy, and as succinctly as possible.
Website Development
Before you even code your first bit of html, you must plan your web site. You need to determine what is is you want to say. Are you looking to provide information, a service, sell something? You then need to gather all your ideas together to determine your theme, and then sub-categories… all the while, keeping your SEO plan in mind.
Weapons Of SEO uses all cutting edge technologies to create the perfect website for you, both inside and out. We utilize HTML5, CSS3, h.264 video codec, (it’s platform independent, so it will play through all browsers – MAC or PC); always keeping up with the newest technologies.
During our initial meetings, we will discuss you particular needs to determine the style and the look for your website design. We need to assess who your potential client base is and exactly what they are looking for. We then will fine tune your site to coincide with those needs.
Once we have identified the direction, our team will begin your web development. The first step is to develop the basic template that we will use as the basis for your site. Once that is done, you will sign off on the "look" before we begin creating the site and adding content.
You will be involved in each step on the development process, including the look and feel, keyword research and selection, and content and copy writing. Nobody knows your business better than you do. Weapons Of SEO is here to interpret what you have to say and turn it into a professional, current, cutting edge website.
Engagement Objects
Engagement objects are items on your website such as pictures, videos, slide shows, interactive Flash objects, blogs, and more. In the past few years video has come a long way on the Internet with new codecs compressing video for faster downloads. Google has recently added video to their algorithm. They can even pull text from photos and video clips to use in their Universal Search. Have you noticed when you search, you may get a list of images, video and other things? Video has become very important now, only to get even more so. It is coming very quickly, that if you don’t have video on your site, you won’t even rank at all.
The more pieces of the puzzle you have on your site, the better chance you have of ranking for one or more. If you can rank in organic search, image search, video search, shopping search, local search (called Vertical Search by Google, because of the vertical list down the left side of the page), and even Pay Per Click, all on the same search engine results page (SERP), your chance of someone clicking through to your landing page is greatly enhanced. Leave no stone un-turned.
What Weapons Of SEO Can Do For You
Weapons Of SEO is a website design company. We specialize in search engine placement by optimizing your landing pages (the page that will show in the SERP), for higher rankings. We will develop your website from the ground up to rank highly in the search engines. If you already have a site, we will analyze it, determine where it falls short, and turn it’s weaknesses into strengths.
Our web designers are some of the most creative artists on the Internet. Depending on your web page design needs, we can fulfill them.