SEO Website Audit
SEO Website Audit
A Weapons of SEO website audit will comb through your website to analyze and determine why your website is not succeeding in giving you the results that you created it for in the first place. These days, everyone has a website. Correction, these days, everyone in any type of business must have a website. The Internet is no longer an option. People do not run to the Yellow Pages anymore to find what it is you’re selling. The Internet is the medium of all type of sales from sneakers to information.
It’s very cheap and very easy for anyone to put up a website. However, it is not cheap, and it is not easy to put up a correctly optimized website. Without search engine optimization, you have absolutely no chance of ever ranking on the first page of a search engine results page. It makes no difference if it’s Google, Bing, or Yahoo!. If you do not play by the search engines rules, you will not be in the game.
An SEO site audit will go through every feature of your website, both on-page and off-page. As your website auditor, we will perform a thorough website structure analysis. When we begin your website audit, the first thing we will look at is the website hierarchical structure. The site needs to be laid out in a natural way that the user can easily navigate and follow. It must have a theme and then categories and subcategories. We will check your internal links, to be sure the there are no broken links, and that these links make sense within the theme of the website.
We will run domain and crawl statistics to determine if the search engine robots can move easily and freely through the website, so that each page that we want indexed, will be indexed. During the website audit, we will analyze your robot.txt file. The robot.txt file is the map that the search engine robots use to navigate the website. It tells them what pages we want indexed and what pages, if any, we don’t.
When Weapons of SEO audits your website, we will look at all of your meta-tags which the user never sees, but the search engines put a lot of weight behind. We will run our tools to check within the site, and across the Internet to be sure that none of the text on your page constitutes duplicate content. Google is adamant about duplicate content. Should they determine that your content appears on other webpages, they consider that spam and will delete these pages from their index.
A website audit will serve to make sure that your website is up to date with regard to Google’s Best Practices and W3C validation.
SEO Website Audit Report
Click to view a full SEO Audit Report
SEO Audit
During the SEO audit we will analyze your header, keyword and description tags. The on-page website audit will consist of first determining what keywords are prominent throughout the entire site. We will then determine what keywords are prominent on each page. We will do an analysis of the keyword density on each page and how that meshes with the header tag and the keyword tag. We will look at your anchor text, your image alt tags, and do a complete website content audit. The search engine robots only see text. If that text is in an incorrect format, and not establishing you as an expert, your website has no chance of ranking.
Our SEO website audit we will look at all of your inbound links and determine if they are coming from bad Internet neighborhoods which can adversely affect your page rank. We will also take a look at all of your outbound links to be sure that they are pointing to “like” topic websites, that will aid in establishing you as an expert in your field.
Upon completion of your website audit, we will provide you with the complete, in-depth website audit report detailing every issue we have found, both good and bad. Weapons of SEO will also give you solutions to each negative issue, and suggestions to make the good issues even better.
Website Auditor
Weapons of SEO is a website auditor that will thoroughly break down and analyze your website to be sure that it is performing at the peak of efficiency, while always adhering to SEO best practices.
What Weapons Of SEO Can Do For You
If your website is not performing the way you think it should be, and if you are not getting the traffic and conversions that you require to succeed in your business, let Weapons of SEO perform a complete SEO website audit. Without proper search engine optimization, there is no reason to even have a website.
We will go through your website from the ground up, performing a complete SEO website audit, and give your business the optimum potential for complete success.